Shirazi Foundation sends message to Islamic governments on Int’l Youth Day

The Shirazi Foundation has sent a message to the Islamic governments on the occasion of the International Youth Day, calling on them to pay attention to this important segment and work to provide the elements for success within their communities, while stressing the need to confront the cultural invasion that young Muslims are exposed to.
The foundation said in its message, which was seen by Shia Waves Agency, that: “The youths are the engine of peoples and the focus of their activity, the source of their strength and sustainability and the guarantor of their continuity. For through them, nations elevate and their present and future prosper.”
It added that “the international community commemorates the Youth Day, we put this message before all Islamic governments, as an expression of their keenness on the interest of the nation and in appreciation of the existing situations that require special attention to some segments and social groups, on whose performance and role the fate of this nation of the Great Prophet Muhammad, be upon him and his family, rests.”
The Foundation recommended the need to “stand resolutely in front of the suspicious cultural invasion that tries to destabilize religious values and tamper with the human instinct, which has become promoted under broad titles such as public and personal freedoms, which in fact is an encroachment, violation and blatant challenge to the norms and morals of humanity.”
The message pointed out that “these agendas, pursued by deviant organizations, are aimed at spreading societal decadence and family disintegration have become one of the most serious challenges facing Muslim youth, especially since political systems are still below the level of responsibility.”
It emphasized that “Political unrest, economic fluctuations and the decline in the standard of living of the individual in Muslim countries have also played roles to help widen the margin of ignorance of values and undermine the deeply rooted convictions derived from Islamic teachings that truly respect human rights and dignity.”
The foundation called for ” a serious and comprehensive attitude for all Muslim countries to pay attention to the affairs of young people and work to consolidate Islamic principles in their souls and minds in scientifically and practically feasible ways and methods.”