The Washington-based International Nonviolence Organization (Free Muslim) published a message on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, marked 21st of March, calling on the International Community to deplore the racist policies practiced by major countries towards African peoples, and stressed the need to correct its course in accordance with international laws on human rights and without discrimination.
The Organization stated in its message, viewed by Shi’a Waves Agency, that “the International Community designated March.
21st of each year as the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, to express the solidarity of all countries in confronting this inhumane practice that disdains some people, based on racial, national, religious or cultural differences.
It pointed out that “despite the progress of civilization, and the firmness of laws and commitments guaranteed by the international community, to confront racial discrimination and reduce the injustice suffered by people, some societies and individuals still complain of these violations that are motivated by racism and deviant thoughts.”
The Organization indicated that “It is regrettable that these violations and breaches are committed by countries that adopt slogans of human rights and democratic approach,” noting that “the policies of the European countries and the United States towards the African countries and peoples represent a clear manifestation of this inhume practice of racial discrimination.”
The Organization concluded its message by calling on the International Community to denounce and deplore the inhumane polices taken by the great countries towards the peoples of Africa; calling on those countries to change the course of their policies to be in line with the international laws on human rights and anti-discrimination.