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Morocco: Protest against school textbook considered offensive to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny

A petition was launched to protest against the Moroccan Ministry of Education’s publication and distribution of a school book that it considered offensive to the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny. The petition also included an urgent call to withdraw the book and replace it with another revised one.
The petition stated that “The Moroccan Ministry of Education has printed and distributed a textbook for the fifth-level social studies subject, which includes a clear insult to the status of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny, which caused great resentment among the students.”
The signatories of the petition held the supervisory authorities responsible for their leniency in passing this book.
The signatories urged the relevant authorities to immediately withdraw this book and replace it with an alternative one, in addition to adopting an educational program that corrects the image of the Noble Prophet and his honorable family, peace be upon them.

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