Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: Maximizing the Husseini rituals is the most powerful way to defeat injustice and spread the authentic Islamic religion

The Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, said that the Shias should always keep in their minds that maximizing the holy Husseini rituals is from the piety of hearts, calling for the revival of Ashura, even with difficult economic conditions.
His Eminence pointed out in his lecture to a group of preachers in his honorable house in the holy city of Qom that “maximizing the cause of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, is one of the Husseini rituals,” referring to it as the most powerful way to defeat the path of injustice and spread the authentic Islamic religion.
The Grand Ayatollah also drew attention to the role of the media in introducing the rituals, and investing in all forms and types of social media platforms to achieve this fateful goal.
“Today, many satellite channels are active in order to distort the image of Islam, and addressing this matter is everyone’s responsibility, and the greatest responsibility in this field lies with scholars.”
He also clarified that “the commemoration of Ashura is a duty on all of us, even in difficult economic conditions.”