Husseini rituals

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi calls on believers to commemorate Holy Arba’een worldwide
Ahlulbayt Occasions

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi calls on believers to commemorate Holy Arba’een worldwide

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, has emphasized the importance for Shia followers of Ahlulbayt, peace…
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi advises mourners not to respond to those casting doubts on Hussaini Rituals
Ahlulbayt Occasions

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi advises mourners not to respond to those casting doubts on Hussaini Rituals

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, advised all believers who commemorate the sacred Husseini rituals around…
More than 200 mourning Mawakib to participate in first 10 days of Holy Muharram
Ahlulbayt Occasions

More than 200 mourning Mawakib to participate in first 10 days of Holy Muharram

More than 200 Husseini mourning Mawakib will participate in commemorating the first ten days of Muharram in the holy city…
With months of sorrow approaching, Al-Rasul Al-Azam Hussainiya opens new headquarters in London
Ahlulbayt Occasions

With months of sorrow approaching, Al-Rasul Al-Azam Hussainiya opens new headquarters in London

In an important move reflecting the significance of commemorating the sacred Hussaini rituals in Muharram and Safar, Al-Rasul Al-Azam Hussainiya…
New York-based Imam Al-Hadi Center: Commemorating rituals of Ahlulbayt is a divine blessing
Ahlulbayt Occasions

New York-based Imam Al-Hadi Center: Commemorating rituals of Ahlulbayt is a divine blessing

The administration of Imam Al-Hadi Center in Highland Falls, New York, has confirmed that the commemoration of the rituals of…
Germany: Shia devotees of Ahlulbayt launch Husseini march to commemorate Ashura
Ahlulbayt Occasions

Germany: Shia devotees of Ahlulbayt launch Husseini march to commemorate Ashura

Large crowds of the devotees of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, and other German converts launched a Husseini march to…
Husseini Rituals among cultural traditions in Indonesia, a report says

Husseini Rituals among cultural traditions in Indonesia, a report says

The Indonesian magazine “Celebrities”, which is specialized in various local news and reports, reported the rituals of reviving the eternal…
Mumbai hosts one of the largest Shia mosques to revive Husseini rituals, help needy families

Mumbai hosts one of the largest Shia mosques to revive Husseini rituals, help needy families

The English-language newspaper ‘Times of India’ praised the religious and humanitarian services provided by the ‘Haidari Mosque’, which is the…
Iraq: The Ministry of Culture studying the inclusion of the “Husseini rituals” on the World Heritage List

Iraq: The Ministry of Culture studying the inclusion of the “Husseini rituals” on the World Heritage List

The Iraqi Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities said, on Thursday, that it is studying the inclusion of the Husseini…
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