The Iraqi government to transform the Speicher Massacre location into a museum

The Iraqi government announced the transformation of the location of the Speicher Massacre into a museum, which glorifies the sacrifices of Iraqis and affirms their cohesion.
During his visit to the site of the Speicher Massacre, the Prime Minister said, “We will transform the location of the Speicher crime into a museum to glorify and immortalize the sacrifices of Iraqis and affirm their cohesion, and we will directly supervise the project,” noting that this place witnessed one of the most heinous massacres of humanity.
Al-Kadhimi added, “The innocent blood that fell here awakened the Iraqi conscience among all segments of the people. It was the impetus to achieve the great victory by Iraq against the most powerful terrorist force, and it also strengthened the Iraqi national identity and united all Iraqis.”
He continued, “We must always remember this innocent blood by preserving the victories that were achieved against terrorism and preserving our national identity, and we must learn from the lessons of the past in order to avoid the repetition of such tragedies and massacres.”