Eight mosques, Husseiniyahs and Shia centers commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatima

The Australian city of Sydney is commemorating the third Fatimid event, which commemorates the martyrdom anniversary of Lady Fatima al-Zahraa, peace be upon her, according to the third narration.
The Husseiniyahs, mosques and religious centers of the Shia community in the city witnessed a series of religious lectures and mourning ceremonies to mark the painful occasion.
On Sunday and the following days, mourning ceremonies will be held at Husseiniyat Al Yasin, Husseiniyat Dar al-Hussein, Husseiniyat al-Sayyeda Khadija, Imam Hussein Center, Imam Ali Center, Al-Nabi al-Akram Center, Imam al-Sajjad Foundation and Misbah al-Huda Committee.
Sydney will also witness the establishment of virtual ceremonies to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of the Mistress of the Women of the Worlds, peace be upon her.
Members of the Shia community in Sydney said in a joint statement, followed by Shiawaves, “We extend our condolences to all believers on the martyrdom anniversary of Fatima al-Zahraa, peace be upon her.”