Holy ShrinesNEWS

Secretariat-General of Al-Askari Holy Shrine to install new framework of underground holy tomb

The Secretariat-General of the Al-Askari Holy Shrine announced the completion of manufacturing the windowed cage of the underground holy tomb (men’s side), which is set to arrive in Samarra coinciding with the blessed month of Ramadan. This is part of a series of construction projects aimed at developing the holy shrine.

The new structure measures 2.93 meters by 3.2 meters and weighs 780 kilograms. It has been designed according to the highest standards of traditional and artistic craftsmanship used in Islamic latticework. It features intricate Islamic-inspired patterns and engravings that reflect the spirit of the holy shrines, with meticulous attention to detail enhancing its beauty and grandeur.

The Secretariat-General confirmed that the new structure will arrive in Samarra during the blessed days of Ramadan and will be installed around the underground holy tomb as part of the project to develop the Al-Askari Holy Shrine. This initiative aims to improve infrastructure and provide a more comfortable atmosphere for visitors.

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