Ahlulbayt OccasionsGrand Ayatollah ShiraziNEWS

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi urges believers to draw inspiration from Holy Prophet’s blessed life

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, emphasized that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family, descended from the noblest lineage and was one of the greatest figures sent by Almighty God to humanity.

In brief remarks published on the official website of his office, in honor of the birth anniversaries of Prophet Muhammad and his grandson Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, peace be upon them, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi reflected on the numerous hardships the Prophet endured throughout his life.

These difficult situations included both internal and external struggles, particularly from hypocrites who outwardly claimed to follow Islam. Yet, despite the adversity, the Prophet continued to treat all with gentleness and mercy, embodying his famous saying: “No prophet has been harmed as I have been.”

The Grand Marja highlighted how history reveals the profound crises the Prophet confronted, yet he never wavered in upholding his high moral character. Through his life, Prophet Muhammad demonstrated that the Islamic message was one of humanity, founded on principles of mercy, equality, and justice.

He further noted that these challenges were neither fleeting nor insignificant. From the early days of his mission in Mecca to his battles against enemies and the plots of hypocrites in Medina, the Prophet remained a model of patience and tolerance.

The Supreme Religious Authority concluded his remarks by urging believers to draw inspiration from the Prophet’s noble life and to adhere firmly to the core Islamic values of mercy, justice, and equality, stressing that humanity today is in dire need of reviving the principles the Prophet established for building a society rooted in ethics and humanity.

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