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Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi stresses importance of collective efforts to defend Iraq

Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi stressed the importance of continuing efforts to track down remnants of extremist terrorist groups and cleanse Iraq of any threats to its security.

Grand Ayatollah al-Najafi’s statement came during his meeting with a delegation of security forces from Mosul, where he praised their sacrifices in liberating the country.

He told the delegation, “Every step you take should be for the sake of Iraq, the Iraq of Ali and Hussein, peace be upon them, as you protect this nation.”

At the end of the meeting, the delegation expressed their gratitude to Grand Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi, reaffirming their commitment to safeguarding Iraq’s security.

His Eminence added that Iraq’s security challenges require collective efforts and constant vigilance, emphasizing the importance of professionalism and cooperation in facing future threats.

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