
Japan pledges $10M aid package to Afghanistan to combat drug trafficking, construct schools

The newly appointed Japanese Ambassador to Kabul, Takayushi Kormaya, announced that Japan has pledged a $10 million aid package to Afghanistan to combat drug trafficking and plans to construct 165 primary schools across nine provinces in the country, Afghanistan’s Presidential Palace, Arg, said on Friday.

The statement explained that the Japanese Ambassador revealed that Japan will allocate $300,000 to the National Museum in Kabul to help preserve Afghanistan’s historical monuments and strengthen the capacity of related institutions.

During the meeting, the Taliban’s acting foreign minister, Mawlavi Amir Khan Muttaqi, underscored the significance of Kabul-Tokyo relations for both nations and expressed hope that the commitments made during the third Doha meeting would be swiftly fulfilled.

Previously, the former head of UNAMA and the leader of Japan’s Sasakawa Peace Foundation had requested that the acting foreign minister send a delegation to Japan to further bilateral cooperation between Kabul and Tokyo.

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