Shia Rights Watch calls for designating global day for Shia victims of terrorism

On August 21st each year, the international community observes the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, aimed at showing solidarity with those who have suffered from violence and extremism.

This day serves as a reminder of the crimes committed by terrorists in the modern era, especially as the reach of extremist and brutal ideologies continues to expand, causing significant human tragedies.

In this context, Shia Rights Watch expressed its full solidarity with victims of terrorism worldwide in a statement received by Shia Waves Agency.

The organization particularly highlighted the suffering of Shia Muslims, who have long been victims of systematic and ongoing targeting by terrorism.

The organization explained that Shia Muslims have endured terrorism for centuries, whether at the hands of extremist groups with radical ideologies or through political regimes that practice state terrorism to achieve sectarian goals.

The statement pointed out that these crimes continue to occur to this day, with vast areas of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Pakistan, and Afghanistan still being theaters of violence directly targeting Shia Muslims.

Shia Rights Watch added that these acts of violence have resulted in the deaths and injuries of thousands of innocent civilians, the displacement of entire families, and the destruction of infrastructure.

Despite ongoing international efforts to combat terrorism in all its forms, the Shia community still faces significant challenges, including persecution, discrimination, and organized violence.

In its statement, the organization continued by urging the United Nations to take more effective measures to combat this type of terrorism by designating a special international day for the victims of anti-Shia terrorism.

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