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Iraq: Security forces uncover mass grave containing 14 bodies of ISIS victims near Mosul

A mass grave containing remains of at least 14 people was discovered on Wednesday near Mosul, northern Iraq, with security forces saying it dates back to when ISIS controlled the area between 2014 and 2017, The National newspaper reported.

According to the Security Media Cell, “Preliminary examination revealed that these remains belong to 14 victims of ISIS criminal gangs, buried at an earlier time”.

The newspaper said that citizens in the northern city of Tal Afar, west of Mosul, had found human remains in Al Saad neighbourhood “while digging and laying the foundation for an under-construction school”.

Iraqi forces reclaimed all ISIS-held territory in Iraq in late 2017, after three years of fighting. At least 200 mass graves have been discovered since ISIS was defeated, an official told The National.

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