Grand Ayatolla Bashir al-Najafi: Cutting off water flow by Turkey is an affront to humanity

Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Bashir al-Najafi has emphasized that he is closely monitoring developments of the water crisis in Iraq, stressing that Turkey’s action of cutting water flow constitutes an affront to humanity, as reported by his office.

The statement detailed that Grand Ayatollah Najafi received a delegation of university professors specializing in water and desertification, as well as a delegation from the Imam Hussein Holy Shrine, on Saturday.

During the meeting, Grand Ayatollah Najafi underscored the importance of water and its significant impact on people’s lives, emphasizing that government and academic institutions must play their roles in addressing the looming severe water shortage challenges.

His Eminence explained that the negative consequences of cutting water directly affect agriculture, the environment, and public health, exacerbating people’s suffering and threatening the stability of communities.

Grand Ayatollah al-Najafi expressed his deep concern over these developments, emphasizing the need for urgent international action to pressure Turkey into reconsidering its water policies.

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