
UNRWA demands immediate opening of crossings to deliver food aid to Gazans

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) stated that the people of the Gaza Strip “have lost all means of life,” demanding the opening of crossings and the entry of sufficient food aid into the strip.

The UN agency added that the people “in Gaza need everything and are living through extremely desperate times, and the only response to this is to provide more aid.”

UNRWA also posted a tweet on “X” stating: “Garbage is piling up everywhere, and people are living under plastic covers as temperatures soar. Families in Gaza are living next to mountains of garbage and sewage, with very few bathrooms available and the unbearable summer heat, the sanitary conditions are desperate.”

The Commissioner-General of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, earlier described the humanitarian situation in Gaza, which has been facing unprecedented Israeli aggression for about nine months, as “almost hopeless,” pointing to the need to “confront famine and the deterioration of the situation.”

The Israeli army continues its intensive bombing on Gaza, leaving tens of thousands of dead, wounded, and missing, and causing massive destruction to infrastructure and vital facilities, in addition to causing an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

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