
Quran teachers in Kosovo mosques organize annual charity “Bazaar” to support poor families

The Muslim Women’s Department of the Islamic Council in Prizren, a city in southern Kosovo, organized the annual charity “bazaar”, which aims at supporting poor families and children in the city.

The charity bazaar in Prizren, known as the “City of Minarets,” is one of the most prominent community activities conducted by Quran course teachers in the city’s mosques.

These bazaars are organized in the historical district of the city, held among historical landmarks and along the river that divides the city, adding cultural and aesthetic charm to the event.

The bazaar relies on self-production and the collective efforts of a group of religious course teachers in mosques, who collaborate with young girls and their mothers to prepare and sell exquisite sweets and dishes at the bazaar.

According to the organizers, this approach not only provides financial support but also fosters a sense of community solidarity and social responsibility.

Women and families in the city widely participate in this event, encouraged to prepare sweets at home according to specific standards and then sell them at the charity bazaar.

The annual charity bazaar is an excellent example of achieving social and economic development through self-initiatives and community efforts, focusing on helping the most vulnerable groups.

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