Islam World

Saudi Arabia beheads 83 people in 2014

Saudi Arabia beheads 83 people in 2014

Saudi Arabia’s publicly announced beheading tally has reached its highest level in the last five years with 83 executions for 2014. Saudi Arabia’s publicly announced beheading tally has reached its highest level in the last five years with 83 executions…
Two villages and an airport liberated in Salahuddin province

Two villages and an airport liberated in Salahuddin province

Iraqi Defense Ministry said that the security forces liberated two villages and al-Mutassim airport in Salahuddin province in Iraq. Iraqi Defense Ministry said that the security forces liberated two villages and al-Mutassim airport in Salahuddin province in Iraq. A statement…
Quranic course for Lebanese students in Karbala

Quranic course for Lebanese students in Karbala

An educational Quranic course was underway for 40 Lebanese students by Dar-ul-Quran Center of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine.  An educational Quranic course was underway for 40 Lebanese students by Dar-ul-Quran Center of Imam Hussein Holy Shrine.  The course is the…
Adam Center says Shia targeting in Egypt gives wrong message to extremists in the country

Adam Center says Shia targeting in Egypt gives wrong message to extremists in the country

After the conclusion of Arbaeen Pilgrimage, Cairo Airport officials arrested a group of 30 Shia Muslims returning from Holy Karbala and confiscated their passports.  After the conclusion of Arbaeen Pilgrimage, Cairo Airport officials arrested a group of 30 Shia Muslims…
Two Shia mourners martyred and many others injured in Orakzai by Takfiri terrorist attack

Two Shia mourners martyred and many others injured in Orakzai by Takfiri terrorist attack

At least two Shia Muslims were martyred and several were injured after Takfiri Taliban terrorists attacked on Ashura procession with mortar shells in Orakzai Agency in Pakistan’s Northern area.   According to details, the Shia Muslims were taking Ashura procession…
Bahraini award winning photographer sentenced to two-year imprisonment

Bahraini award winning photographer sentenced to two-year imprisonment

A Bahraini court sentenced award winning photographer Ammar Abdulrasool to two years in prison. Many rights organizations condemned the court’s decision and the ongoing prosecution and detention of photographers in Bahrain.   Ammar Abdulrasool was arrested by security forces on…
Takfiri terrorists kill 8 Shia mourners and injure 30 in Saudi Arabia

Takfiri terrorists kill 8 Shia mourners and injure 30 in Saudi Arabia

State sponsored Pro-IS takfiri terrorists have attacked a gathering of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia and killed 8 mourners commemorating Ashura, the tenth day of Muharram that marks the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.   The…
Takfiri terrorists kill three Shia Muslims and injure five others

Takfiri terrorists kill three Shia Muslims and injure five others

At least three Shia Muslims were martyred and 5 other were injured after takfiri terrorists of Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat attacked on them in Mirpurkhas and Karachi.   In Karachi, a Shia activist was targeted in his car near Hassan Square area of…
Bahrainis protest against Al Khalifa regime crackdown on Ashura mourning ceremonies

Bahrainis protest against Al Khalifa regime crackdown on Ashura mourning ceremonies

Bahrainis have staged a protest rally to voice their anger at the Al Khalifa regime’s recent clamp down on Shia mourners.    People took to the streets of the town of Duraz, north of the Bahraini capital city of Manama,…
Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office in Najaf visits Husseini processions in the city

Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Shirazi’s office in Najaf visits Husseini processions in the city

Following the directives of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, on offering the best services in the Husseini rituals and supporting the husseini servants financially and morally, a high- ranking delegation from the…
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