Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: World will turn towards Islam if it grasps its principles in economics, politics and virtue

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadeq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, stated that if the world today grasps the concept of the triangle “sound economy, just politics, and virtue” as established by Islam, it will inevitably turn towards this religion, with millions more people desiring to embrace it.
His Eminence emphasized that Islamic principles in these three areas are clear and explicit, adding that when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) spread Islam completely and without compromise in Medina, large numbers of idolaters, disbelievers, and atheists entered Islam willingly and eagerly due to the comprehensive vision the Holy Prophet presented.
The Supreme Marja frequently points out in his speeches, statements, and scholarly that Islam offers a comprehensive model that can attract humanity if its dimensions and boundaries are properly understood, emphasizing that applying these principles can offer a civilizational alternative to the contemporary world, calling for efforts to spread this understanding in order to expand the circle of coexistence, social harmony, and the promotion of justice and well-being.