Grand Ayatollah Shirazi says Muslim leaders should act with gentleness towards their people

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, emphasized that the true qualities of a leader should be manifested in their gentleness towards both Muslims and non-Muslims, and that they should strive for their reform and guidance.
His Eminence stated that the principles of leadership exemplified by the Holy Prophet Muhammad and his successor, Imam Ali (peace be upon them), during their noble ruling, were characterized by service and jihad for the people, rather than infringing upon their rights.
The Grand Marja highlighted the importance of an Islamic leader being gentle and dealing with others kindly, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, a quality lacking in many Arab and Islamic countries today.
He pointed out that Imam Ali’s conduct, rooted in the teachings of Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, was unparalleled in human history, serving as a shining example for leaders.
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi explained that Imam Ali never responded to evil with evil, but always acted with forgiveness, even towards his enemies, setting a divine example that Muslim rulers should follow to serve the interests of their people.
His Eminence stressed the need for the world to recognize that Imam Ali, through his exemplary character, continues to govern history with greatness and reverence as a beacon to be emulated.
Regarding Imam Ali’s dealings with his enemies, he stated that Imam Ali was the epitome of virtue, ethics, and humanity, known for his profound words and actions.