
UN Envoy Calls On Saudi Arabia to Commit to Political Settlement In Yemen

UN Envoy Calls On Saudi Arabia to Commit to Political Settlement In Yemen

The UN envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, on Tuesday called on Saudi Arabia to adhere to a political settlement in Yemen.Griffiths said on Twitter after his meeting with Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman on Monday, that he discussed…
Sweden: Metal Quran sculpture found inside a park in Malmö

Sweden: Metal Quran sculpture found inside a park in Malmö

A few residents of Malmo found a sculpture in the shape of the Holy Quran, which was found placed on a stone base in a park in the Swedish city of Malmo, on a low, sloping and square base with…
Human Rights Watch: Paris is making a fatal mistake in equating Islam with the threat of terrorism

Human Rights Watch: Paris is making a fatal mistake in equating Islam with the threat of terrorism

Human Rights Watch criticized the way the French government responded to the “terrorist threat”, saying that the latter equates Islam in general with terrorist threats.The organization’s executive director, Kenneth Roth, said during an interview with Agence France-Presse on the eve…
Suleimanov reveals the number of Shia Muslims in Russia

Suleimanov reveals the number of Shia Muslims in Russia

Russia Today quoted the editor-in-chief of the Islamic World magazine, Raees Suleimanov, an expert at the Institute for National Strategy, that the number of Shia Muslims in Russia represents 3% of the total number of Muslims there.In an interview with…
Indian Army heads to recruit “religious” teachers

Indian Army heads to recruit “religious” teachers

The Indian Ministry of Defense has included in its new strategy, the curriculum for religious education for soldiers, in order to provide them with the necessary religious information.According to what was published by Jakran newspaper, followed by Shiawaves, “The Ministry…
New York: Shia community protests the killing of Pakistani workers

New York: Shia community protests the killing of Pakistani workers

Members of the Shia community in New York participated in a protest in front of the Pakistani consulate to protest the killing of Shias, the latest of which was the tragedy in Pakistan, and expressed solidarity with the families of…
German writer: Islam is a universal religion and its message seeks the survival of mankind

German writer: Islam is a universal religion and its message seeks the survival of mankind

The German writer, Professor Udo Touroschka, affirmed that Islam is a universal religion and that its followers wish to spread the message of the Islamic religion that seeks the survival of people in all parts of the world.Touroschka, along with…
Former Turkish official: We seek to bring peace by communicating with the followers of the Ahlulbayt

Former Turkish official: We seek to bring peace by communicating with the followers of the Ahlulbayt

Former Turkish People’s Assembly member, Mahmud Kabalan, stressed the endeavor to establish security and peace with the Iraqi people through continuous communication with the followers of the Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, indicating at the same time that the Karbala…
Netherlands: Extremist party calls for end to the Islamic presence in the country

Netherlands: Extremist party calls for end to the Islamic presence in the country

An initiative presented by the far-right Dutch Freedom Party has sparked widespread controversy, after it called for the establishment of a new ministry to take over the task of eliminating the “Islamic presence” and closing Islamic schools in the country.The…
Number of Muslims in Japan more than doubled in decade

Number of Muslims in Japan more than doubled in decade

The number of Muslims living in Japan, though small, has more than doubled in the past decade, from 110,000 in 2010 to 230,000 at the end of 2019 (including as many as 50,000 Japanese converts), according to Tanada Hirofumi of…
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