
Germany’s central mosque receives threatening anti-Islam messages

Germany’s central mosque receives threatening anti-Islam messages

The central mosque in the German state of Hessen received a letter from unknown persons, containing racist phrases and anti-Islamic threatening messages.Hagan Akbulut, head of the Central Mosque Association in the town of Fischerbach, said that the letter arrived by…
Authorities shut down nine mosques in France

Authorities shut down nine mosques in France

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin announced Friday the closure of nine prayer halls and mosques in recent weeks in France.“Nine out of the 18 houses of worship that were specially monitored have closed at my request,” the minister wrote on…
Human Rights Watch: Paris is making a fatal mistake in equating Islam with the threat of terrorism

Human Rights Watch: Paris is making a fatal mistake in equating Islam with the threat of terrorism

Human Rights Watch criticized the way the French government responded to the “terrorist threat”, saying that the latter equates Islam in general with terrorist threats.The organization’s executive director, Kenneth Roth, said during an interview with Agence France-Presse on the eve…
German writer: Islam is a universal religion and its message seeks the survival of mankind

German writer: Islam is a universal religion and its message seeks the survival of mankind

The German writer, Professor Udo Touroschka, affirmed that Islam is a universal religion and that its followers wish to spread the message of the Islamic religion that seeks the survival of people in all parts of the world.Touroschka, along with…
Netherlands: Extremist party calls for end to the Islamic presence in the country

Netherlands: Extremist party calls for end to the Islamic presence in the country

An initiative presented by the far-right Dutch Freedom Party has sparked widespread controversy, after it called for the establishment of a new ministry to take over the task of eliminating the “Islamic presence” and closing Islamic schools in the country.The…
Free Muslim calls for intervention: The situation is catastrophic in the city of Bihac camp in Bosnia

Free Muslim calls for intervention: The situation is catastrophic in the city of Bihac camp in Bosnia

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, appealed to the High Commissioner for Refugee Rights to provide relief to refugees in Bihac camp in the state of Bosnia.The organization said in a statement, received by Shiawaves, that it was informed, through…
Putin: Those converts to Islam have carefully dealt with Christian monuments deserve respect

Putin: Those converts to Islam have carefully dealt with Christian monuments deserve respect

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is grateful to the people who convert to Islam for carefully conserving Christian monuments in Syria.In an interview with journalist Yevgeny Poddubny, Putin added in the documentary “There is no room for error. The…
German arms exports to Middle East worth more than a billion in 2020

German arms exports to Middle East worth more than a billion in 2020

The German government in 2020 approved arms exports worth more than a billion euros to countries involved in the conflicts in Yemen and Libya.For Egypt alone, exports of weapons and military equipment worth 752 million euros (913 million dollars) had…
Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands: We should take Muslims’ feelings more into account

Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands: We should take Muslims’ feelings more into account

The former Dutch Prime Minister, Dries van Agt, stressed the need to take into account the feelings of Muslims, after the insult against the personality of the Noble Messenger, peace be upon him and his progeny.Agt said in a statement…
German Mosque Attacked Twice in 2 Weeks

German Mosque Attacked Twice in 2 Weeks

A mosque in Baden-Wurttemberg, a city in southwest Germany, was attacked on Friday, the second time in two weeks, according to an official.In the early hours of New Year’s Day, Fatih Mosque in the town of Sontheim came under attack…
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