
Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Pray for those who send mercy to the worlds

Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia: Pray for those who send mercy to the worlds

The Chinese ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Chen Weiqing, called to remember the message of tolerance and moderation brought by the Great Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny.The Chinese ambassador said, via Twitter, “On the birth anniversary of…
28th annual Hussain Day convention in Bangalore, India

28th annual Hussain Day convention in Bangalore, India

The 28th edition of the annual Hussain Day convention was held in the Indian city of Bengaluru, under the title “Service to Humanity: Inspiration from the life of Imam Hussain (a.s.)” on September 27, 2020.Eminent dignitaries from around the world…
HRW: Rohingya suffers institutional oppressions in Myanmar

HRW: Rohingya suffers institutional oppressions in Myanmar

Rohingya Muslims held in open-air detention camps in Myanmar’s Rakhine State since 2012 have been subjected to “institutional oppressions” and “grave rights violations,” according to a new report by an international rights group.About 130,000 Rohingya Muslims have been confined to…
Mourning ceremony commemorating Arbaeen for children in Tanzania

Mourning ceremony commemorating Arbaeen for children in Tanzania

The Mourning Procession of Ali al-Asghar, peace be upon him, in the city of Dar es Salaam, the former capital of Tanzania, held a special mourning ceremony for children to commemorate Arbaeen.This year, the procession followed the necessary health measures…
Hyderabad Police Command in India confirms the adoption of tight security measures to commemorate Arbaeen day

Hyderabad Police Command in India confirms the adoption of tight security measures to commemorate Arbaeen day

The Chief of Police of the Hyderabad region in southern India, Adel Hussain Chandio, confirmed the adoption of extensive and strict security measures to commemorate the fortieth day following the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, also…
Malaysian organization condemns China’s demolition of mosques

Malaysian organization condemns China’s demolition of mosques

The Malaysian Advisory Council for Islamic Organizations “Mapim” issued a statement condemning the Chinese authorities’ demolition of mosques.The Council demanded that the Chinese government provide clarification regarding the recent reports of demolishing 16,000 mosques in the Xinjiang region of China,…
The International Nonviolence Organization calls on Turkey to guarantee freedom of expression

The International Nonviolence Organization calls on Turkey to guarantee freedom of expression

The International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, has recently reviewed a number of reports related to human rights violated by the Turkish authorities, represented by the arrest of dozens of Kurdish citizens on political grounds, which raises discontent and concern and…
India unveils world’s longest handwritten copy of the Holy Quran

India unveils world’s longest handwritten copy of the Holy Quran

The dream of a tailor at Eruva near Kayamkulam was fulfilled by his four sons who created the 3.1-kilometre-long handwritten copy of the Quran in the world. Kadharsha Moulavi, son of M K Noushad, said his father’s dream was to…
Free Muslim calls to stop the war on Yemen on International Peace Day

Free Muslim calls to stop the war on Yemen on International Peace Day

On International Peace Day, the International Nonviolence Organization, Free Muslim, called on the warring parties to stop the war on Yemen.“The International Day of Peace is celebrated annually in all parts of the world on September 21, as agreed by…
Report: Why the Indian state is now scared of the Kashmiri Shia

Report: Why the Indian state is now scared of the Kashmiri Shia

A press report published by Al-Jazeera website said that the Shia youth in Kashmir, which is under the control of the Indian government, began expressing their own vision in defending the personal freedoms and rights of their citizens, indicating that…
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