250 families without breadwinners in Tehran helped by Awlad Muslim Foundation

250 families without breadwinners in Tehran helped by Awlad Muslim Foundation

Foundations and centers affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority in Iran, Iraq and other countries of the world continue their humanitarian work to support the underprivileged families and extend a helping hand to them.According to a statement by the official…
Banner reading “Of whomsoever I am a master, Ali is his master” placed atop Imam Ali Holy Shrine for Eid al-Ghadir

Banner reading “Of whomsoever I am a master, Ali is his master” placed atop Imam Ali Holy Shrine for Eid al-Ghadir

Imam Ali Holy Shrine placed the special Eid al-Ghadir banner atop the Holy Shrine, as part of an annual tradition and in special ceremonies in order to welcome the Greatest Eid on the eighteenth of the month of Dhul-Hijjah.The banner,…
Afghan government imposes night curfew across 31 of 34 provinces

Afghan government imposes night curfew across 31 of 34 provinces

Afghan authorities on Saturday imposed a night-time curfew across 31 of the country’s 34 provinces to curb surging violence unleashed by a sweeping Taliban offensive in recent months, the interior ministry said.The widespread Taliban assault has seen the insurgents capture…
British MP calls for the release of Bahraini detainee who plays a role in defending human rights

British MP calls for the release of Bahraini detainee who plays a role in defending human rights

The Foreign Affairs spokeswoman for the Liberal Democrats in Britain, MP Leila Moran, expressed her deep concern about the safety of the Bahraini political prisoner with disabilities, Dr. Abdul-Jalil Al-Singace, who is on hunger strike in Bahrain.“He has spent 10…
Iraqi forces arrest terror cell responsible for Sadr City bombing

Iraqi forces arrest terror cell responsible for Sadr City bombing

The Iraqi Security Media Cell announced that the intelligence agency was able to arrest two terrorist cells responsible for the al-Woheilat market bombings in Sadr City in the provinces of Kirkuk and Anbar.The Cell stated in a statement, “In the…
Over 500 Islamophobia incidents in US in just six months: CAIR

Over 500 Islamophobia incidents in US in just six months: CAIR

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) found that in the first half of 2021 over 500 reports of anti-Muslim incidents were recorded, as global Islamophobia incidents continue to increase.There has been an increase in anti-Muslim reports – particularly attacks on…
Preparations around the world to commemorate the Greatest Eid

Preparations around the world to commemorate the Greatest Eid

The Islamic Center of the Shia community in America called on the followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, to intensify their activities and celebrations on the Greatest Eid, Eid al-Ghadir, the day in which the Noble Prophet, peace be…
Misbah al-Hussein Foundation implements the ‘Sacrifice Project’ in Mazar-i-Sharif, in cooperation with organizations affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority

Misbah al-Hussein Foundation implements the ‘Sacrifice Project’ in Mazar-i-Sharif, in cooperation with organizations affiliated with the Shirazi Religious Authority

The Misbah al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development distributed sacrificial meat to the underprivileged in Mazar-i-Sharif, the largest city in Afghanistan.This came within the framework of the charitable foundation’s activities to extend a helping hand to the underprivileged and in…
Tajikistan prepares for influx of up to 100,000 Afghan refugees

Tajikistan prepares for influx of up to 100,000 Afghan refugees

Tajikistan is preparing for the influx of up to 100,000 Afghan refugees, in light of the advance of the Taliban terrorist movement in neighboring Afghanistan, local media quoted Imam Ali Ibruchimsuda, deputy head of the Civil Defense Authority in Tajikistan.According…
Wall Street Journal: An imminent statement to withdraw American combat forces from Iraq

Wall Street Journal: An imminent statement to withdraw American combat forces from Iraq

The Wall Street Journal quoted US and Iraqi officials as saying that an imminent statement would be issued to withdraw US combat troops from Iraq.The newspaper said that the aforementioned officials confirmed that the statement would call for the withdrawal…
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