Holy Shrines

Shia Muslims revive first of blessed month of Rajab in Holy Karbala

Shia Muslims revive first of blessed month of Rajab in Holy Karbala

Large numbers of Shia Muslims visited on Saturday—first day of the blessed month of Rajab—the holy city of Karbala, where they performed pilgrimage to Imam Hussein and his brother Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas, peace be upon them. Shia Waves Agency reporter…
In conjunction with blessed birth of Sayyeda Fatima, Al-Abbas Holy Shrine launches its 6th annual ‘Rooh Al-Nobowa Festival’

In conjunction with blessed birth of Sayyeda Fatima, Al-Abbas Holy Shrine launches its 6th annual ‘Rooh Al-Nobowa Festival’

On the occasion of the joyful anniversary of the blessed birth of Sayyeda Fatima al-Zahra, peace be upon her, the Al-Abbas Holy Shrine began on Wednesday the activities of the 6th annual Rooh Al-Nobowa Festival, amid a participation of more…
Imam Hussein Holy Shrine puts final designs for psychiatric hospital in Holy Karbala

Imam Hussein Holy Shrine puts final designs for psychiatric hospital in Holy Karbala

The Engineering Projects Department at Imam Hussein Holy Shrine announced that it has completed the final designs for the construction of the Warith Psychiatric Hospital in the holy city of Karbala. In a statement to Shia Waves Agency, Hussein Reza…
Al-Askariyyen Holy Shrine honors 1,000 girls upon reaching legal age of puberty

Al-Askariyyen Holy Shrine honors 1,000 girls upon reaching legal age of puberty

Coinciding with the honorable birth anniversary of Sayyeda Fatima al-Zahra, peace be upon her, more than a thousand young girls celebrated reaching the legal age of puberty. In an atmosphere of joy and happiness, the Askariyyain Holy Shrine organized a…
Shiites of Ahlul-Bayt rejoice in celebration of birth anniversary of Sayyida Fatima

Shiites of Ahlul-Bayt rejoice in celebration of birth anniversary of Sayyida Fatima

The 20th of Jumadi al-Thani marks the birth anniversary of Sayyida Fatima, al-Razia al-Marziyah, peace be upon her, and the beginning of the 10-day-period commemorating her honorable status. Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra, peace be upon her, was the fruit of the…
Thousands of Shiites of Ahlul-Bayt start New Year at Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him

Thousands of Shiites of Ahlul-Bayt start New Year at Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him

Large crowds of devotees of Ahlul-Bayt, peace be upon them, convened at the Holy Shrine of Aba Abdillah al-Hussein last night to begin their new year with the blessings of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him. Thousands of Individuals from…
Najaf al-Ashraf holds Chastity Week in honour of Sayyida Fatima

Najaf al-Ashraf holds Chastity Week in honour of Sayyida Fatima

The Holy Alavi Shrine is organizing a ceremony in Holy Najaf ahead of the auspicious birthday of Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra, peace be upon her, the blessed daughter of the Prophet of God, peace be upon him and his pure family.…
Head of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi’s Public Relations Office stresses importance of enacting Holy Karbala sanctity law

Head of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi’s Public Relations Office stresses importance of enacting Holy Karbala sanctity law

The head of Public Relations Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Hussaini al-Shirazi, in the holy city of Karbala, Sayyed Arif Nasrallah, called for importance of enacting a law to preserve the sanctity and…
Holy Kadhimiya hosts first Holy Shrines Conference

Holy Kadhimiya hosts first Holy Shrines Conference

The Holy Shrines Conference, organized by the Shia Endowment Office in Holy Kadhimiya Shrine, has emphasized the importance of these religious and spiritual places for millions of followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them; stressing the need to develop them…
Holy Karbala to host 10th Intl Tarateel Sajjadiya Festival

Holy Karbala to host 10th Intl Tarateel Sajjadiya Festival

The Imam Hussein Holy Shrine has revealed its readiness to host the 10th International Tarateel Sajjadiya Festival in the holy city of Karbala. The head of the festival’s preparatory committee, Jamal al-Din al-Shahristani, said in a statement followed by Shia…
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