Ahlulbayt OccasionsIraqNEWS
Shia followers of AhlulBayt commemorate martyrdom anniversary of Sayyid Muhammad Saba Al-Dujail

Shia followers of Ahl al-Bayt worldwide commemorated – today Sunday – the martyrdom anniversary of Sayyed Muhammad Ibn Imam Ali al-Hadi, peace be upon them both, known as Saba’ al-Dujail, recalling his great roles in the defense of the Imamate.
They extended their condolences to the Awaited Imam Al-Hujjah (may God Almighty hasten his honorable reappearance) and to the Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi and to the honorable seminaries.
The General Secretariat of the Holy Shrine of Sayyid Muhammad Ibn al-Imam Ali al-Hadi, peace be upon them, also know as Saba al-Dujail, will hold mourning ceremonies and receive mourners from Iraq and other countries.