Ahlulbayt OccasionsGrand Ayatollah ShiraziNEWS

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi renews his gratitude to all believers on commemorating Imam Hussain’s sacred rituals

The Supreme Religious Authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, has renewed his gratitude and appreciation to all believers who participated in commemorating the Husayni rituals during the months of Muharram and Safar, as well as those who have organized mourning ceremonies for Muharram in recent years.

Grand Ayatollah Shirazi’s statement came during a speech he delivered to a gathering of believers and scholars at his honored residence in the holy city of Qom, on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family.

His Eminence emphasized that these activities are among the rituals of Allah Almighty and the Hussaini rituals, considering them as manifestations of honoring and glorifying the Cause Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.

The Grand Marja also praised the efforts made in reviving the Arbaeen pilgrimage this year, stating: “The sacred Arbaeen rituals this year were conducted in a better, more enthusiastic manner than in previous years, both in Holy Karbala and across Iraq in general, as well as in other Islamic countries”.

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