On Zero Discrimination Day, the International Non-violence Organization, Free Muslim, warned of the danger of the ongoing international conflicts, calling on the wise, the virtuous and the opinion-makers to take urgent action, to contribute to the reduction of conflicts.
The organization’s statement, recieved by Shia Waves, read:
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
“O people, we created you from a male and a female, and made you peoples and tribes, so that you may know one another.”
In the midst of the worsening turmoil around the world, the ongoing armed conflicts and the continuous political debates, the International Non-violence Organization, Free Muslim, is directing its message to the international community and all the governments, beginning its message with the Almighty’s saying in the hope that the children of Adam will return to the right path and gather on a good word that will protect them from dangerous repercussions afflicting the population.
The words of the Almighty call for the renunciation of all forms of discrimination and racism, which were and still are a major cause of human suffering.
The organization seizes the Zero Discrimination Day as an opportunity to spread the message of tolerance and compassion among humanity and work to combat discrimination and to rely on one and clear premise that all people are equal in rights and there is no preference for one race over another.
As the organization warns of the danger of the ongoing international conflicts, it calls on the wise, the virtuous and the opinion-holders to move urgently, to contribute to reducing the conflicts based on natural and artificial differences.
International Nonviolence Organization
Free Muslim
Washington D.C.