Ahlulbayt OccasionsHoly ShrinesNEWS

Residents of Holy Karbala, pilgrims hold symbolic funeral procession over Imam al-Mujtaba’s martyrdom

Large crowds of the people of Holy Karbala and its pilgrims held on Monday a symbolic funeral procession for Imam al-Hasan al-Mujtaba, peace be upon him, on the sorrowful anniversary of his martyrdom, commemorating the injustice and oppression the Imam endured throughout his honourable life.

Shia Waves correspondent in the holy city reported that “a massive gathering of mourners participated in the unified mourning procession to commemorate the martyrdom of the Prophet’s beloved grandson, Imam al-Hasan al-Mujtaba, peace be upon him.”

He added that “the participants carried the symbolic coffin of Imam al-Mujtaba, peace be upon him, and paraded it through the holy shrines of Imam Hussein and his brother Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas, peace be upon them, and through the Bayenul Haramain, to offer their condolences for this tragic calamity.”

The mourners expressed their profound sorrow on this painful occasion and reaffirmed their commitment to supporting the Cause of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, and raising awareness of the injustices they endured at the hands of the enemies of religion and humanity.

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