
Muslims worldwide mark beginning of holy month of Ramadan

Muslims worldwide mark beginning of holy month of Ramadan

Millions of Muslims all around the world have marked the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan   Millions of Muslims all around the world have marked the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. The Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq…
Muslim campaign urging Americans to “Discover Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny

Muslim campaign urging Americans to “Discover Muhammad, peace be upon him and his progeny

A Muslim campaign urging Americans to Discover (Muhammad peace be upon him)   A Muslim campaign urging Americans to “Discover Muhammad, peace be upon and his progeny” is trying to reverse negative perceptions of the religion by giving a platform…
Two blasts in northeast Nigeria’s Potiskum kill 10

Two blasts in northeast Nigeria’s Potiskum kill 10

bomb attacks in Nigeria’s northeastern city of Potiskum killed 10 people   Two bomb attacks in Nigeria’s northeastern city of Potiskum killed 10 people, eyewitnesses and a hospital source said. The first bomb exploded at around (1200 GMT) in the…
China bans Ramadan fast for Uyghur’s

China bans Ramadan fast for Uyghur’s

parts of the far western Xinjiang district have banned Muslims, students and teachers from fasting during the holy month of Ramadan   Adding to Uighur Muslims’ concerns, some parts of the far western Xinjiang district have banned Muslim party members,…
Seminar on Bahrain’s “Jaw Prison Crime” held at Human Rights Council in Geneva

Seminar on Bahrain’s “Jaw Prison Crime” held at Human Rights Council in Geneva

A Bahraini civil delegation participates in the meetings of the United Nations Human Rights   A Bahraini civil delegation participates in the meetings of the United Nations Human Rights Council which was held in Geneva. Bahrain Human Rights Observatory will also…
Muslims and non-Muslims come together at festival

Muslims and non-Muslims come together at festival

Hundreds of Muslims and non-Muslims attended the ICPIC Islamic Heritage Festival   Hundreds of Muslims and non-Muslims attended the ICPIC Islamic Heritage Festival in an effort to celebrate Islamic culture and bring Muslims and non-Muslims together. Abdul Rahim Muhammad, ICPIC…
Documentary titled ‘The Tainted Veil’ ready for screening

Documentary titled ‘The Tainted Veil’ ready for screening

A documentary highlighting the historical context of women from various religions and societies   A documentary highlighting the historical context of women from various religions and societies around the world covering their hair over the centuries is getting ready for…
Hamburg conference investigates necessity of peace and security in view of Islam

Hamburg conference investigates necessity of peace and security in view of Islam

The 4th congress of the Islamic European Union of Shia Scholars and Theologians   The 4th congress of the Islamic European Union of Shia Scholars and Theologians is underway in the German city of Hamburg. More than 150 scholars and…
Far-right rally in UK protests plan for mosque construction

Far-right rally in UK protests plan for mosque construction

British supporters of far-right groups stage a protest rally in Dudley   British supporters of far-right groups stage a protest rally in Dudley, West Midlands, against plans for building a new mosque there. According to reports, the demonstrators were carrying English flags…
Red Cross says UN Security Council failing to maintain world peace

Red Cross says UN Security Council failing to maintain world peace

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)   The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has accused the United Nations Security Council of failing in its mission to maintain peace in the world. ICRC Director of Operations Dominick…
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