
Ashura mourning ceremonies in Islamic Cultural Center of California

Ashura mourning ceremonies in Islamic Cultural Center of California

A multilingual commemoration of Ashura is scheduled on Nov. 3 at the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno in California.   The Night of Ashura will be presented in the languages of English, Farsi, Arabic and Urdu. Other Shia Islamic centers…
Global Day of ‘Ali Asghar’ commemorated in various countries of the world

Global Day of ‘Ali Asghar’ commemorated in various countries of the world

Hundreds of thousands of Shia Muslims in many countries commemorated the Day of Ali Asghar, the youngest child of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, who was martyred at the plain of Karbala on 8th of Muharram 61AH.   In…
Islamophobia threatens Muslims’ rights in Belgium

Islamophobia threatens Muslims’ rights in Belgium

 Hundreds of Muslim women have gathered in Brussels to protest Islamophobia and the social exclusion for practicing their religion.   Belgium Muslim women cannot work if they were wearing a headscarf according to a new law that bans wearing Hijab…
1st Quran competition for women planned in Russia

1st Quran competition for women planned in Russia

The first edition of a Quran memorization and recitation competition for women is planned to be held in Saratov region in Russia.   According to reports, the Islamic Center of the city will host the Quranic event on November 2.…
Mass trek of people to Muharram mourning ceremonies in many cities of Nigeria

Mass trek of people to Muharram mourning ceremonies in many cities of Nigeria

In continuation of Muharram mourning ceremonies across Nigeria held by members of the Shia community in Nigeria, a mass trek of people is being witnessed to the event in various cities.   The mourning ceremonies begin with eulogies for Imam…
“IS -Threat to the World Peace” conference planned in India

“IS -Threat to the World Peace” conference planned in India

India’s Muslim Students Organization has organized a conference to look into the formation of the so-called Islamic State terrorist group.    According to reports, the conference, entitled “IS; Threat to the World Peace” will be held in the Indian city…
Campaign in Germany about Revivalism of Imam Hussein

Campaign in Germany about Revivalism of Imam Hussein

A campaign has been launched by a number of lecturers and students of an Islamic Center in Hamburg, Germany, to introduce the objectives and features of the revivalism of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him.    According to reports, 72…
Imam Hussein Islamic Foundation undertakes many activities in Uganda

Imam Hussein Islamic Foundation undertakes many activities in Uganda

Following the directives of the Eminent Grand Ayatollah Sayed Sadiq Husseini Shirazi, may Allah prolong his life, on the necessity of spreading the culture of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, among people and teaching them the rules of Islam, Imam…
Australian Muslim Shias travel to Iraq for Ashura despite IS threat

Australian Muslim Shias travel to Iraq for Ashura despite IS threat

Hundreds of Australian Muslim Shiites are expected to make the pilgrimage to Karbala, although this year the Australian government is warning worshippers to think twice about their travel plans.   Many Australian Shia Muslims will be travelling to Iraq next…
Indonesian scholar says Nahj-ul-Balagha is an interpretation of the Holy Quran

Indonesian scholar says Nahj-ul-Balagha is an interpretation of the Holy Quran

Dean of Osul Deen College of Pontianak Islamic University in Indonesia described Nahj-ul-Balaqa or Peak of Eloquence as the interpretation of the Quran.     Addressing a seminar held on “Teachings of Nahj-ul-Balaqa”, the scholar added that (after the Quran)…
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