
Reactions trail Law graduate denied call to bar over hijab

Reactions trail Law graduate denied call to bar over hijab

A Nigerian law school graduate was denied her call to the bar for refusing to take off her headscarf.   A Nigerian law school graduate was denied her call to the bar for refusing to take off her headscarf. Amasa…
Scores of Boko Haram fighters arrested in huge raid by Nigerian armed forces

Scores of Boko Haram fighters arrested in huge raid by Nigerian armed forces

Scores of Boko Haram fighters were among the 400 people arrested by Nigerian soldiers, military authorities in the west African nation said.      Scores of Boko Haram fighters were among the 400 people arrested by Nigerian soldiers, military authorities…
SRW expresses it’s concerns over systematic decline in the coverage of Shiite news around the world

SRW expresses it’s concerns over systematic decline in the coverage of Shiite news around the world

Shia Rights Watch International Organization affiliated to Imam al-Shirazi World Foundation in Washington, annonced on its official website on the World Wide Web,  it’s concerns over the systimatic decline in of Shia news covarage around the world.   Shia Rights…
Islamic Calligraphy Centre opens in Mauritania

Islamic Calligraphy Centre opens in Mauritania

The first Islamic calligraphy centre in Mauritania was opened by a group of the country’s artists and calligraphers. According to, the center called “Ibn Muqla Center for Arabic Calligraphy and Islamic Illumination” aims to revive the noble art of…
6,700 Rohingya killed in Myanmar only in one month

6,700 Rohingya killed in Myanmar only in one month

MSF  The international medical charity Doctors Without Borders says at least 6,700 members of the persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority group were killed in state-sponsored violence in Myanmar only in a period of one month beginning on August 25.   MSF …
Denmark bans another Saudi ‘hate preacher’

Denmark bans another Saudi ‘hate preacher’

Saudi cleric Abdullah bin Radi Almoaede Alshammary was added to the Danish list, which already included 10 other “hate preachers,” Danish paper Jyllands-Posten reported Tuesday.   Denmark’s Immigration Authority has added a Saudi cleric to a blacklist of “hate preachers”…
Myanmar demolishes 16 mosques in Rakhine

Myanmar demolishes 16 mosques in Rakhine

Myanmar authorities have recently bulldozed 16 mosques out of 17 mosques in villages of Haindafara, Maungdaw township in the northern Rakhine state of the country.    Myanmar authorities have recently bulldozed 16 mosques out of 17 mosques in villages of…
Two dead in suicide bombing in Cameroon mosque

Two dead in suicide bombing in Cameroon mosque

Two people were killed on Monday when a suicide bomber attacked a mosque in far northern Cameroon, a region that has been shaken by attacks blamed on Nigeria’s Boko Haram terrorists, sources said.    Two people were killed on Monday…
Activists protest against Anti-Muslim hate crimes in India

Activists protest against Anti-Muslim hate crimes in India

Scores of students, activists and members of Muslim community took out a silent protest ‘Muslim lives matter’ in New Delhi, India, on Saturday following the hacking of a Muslim man in Rajasthan by a Hindu man.   Scores of students,…
ISWF condemns the American action and demands cancellation to embassy relocating decision

ISWF condemns the American action and demands cancellation to embassy relocating decision

Imam Shirazi World Foundation (ISWF) expresses its deep indignation and condemnation of the recent US decision to transfer the US Embassy to Jerusalem, considering this action a clear violation of the feelings of all Muslims and a flagrant violation of…
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