
Denmark: Shia Muslims celebrate blessed birth of Sayyeda Zainab

In an atmosphere of joy and happiness, the Shia followers of Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them, in Denmark celebrated the blessed birth of Sayyeda Zainab, peace be upon her.

Large crowds of people gathered at Imam al-Sadiq Husseiniya in Copenhagen to celebrate this blessed occasion and to renew allegiance of commitment to Ahlulbayt, peace be upon them.

Speeches and poems were delivered both in Arabic and Danish in honor of Sayyeda Zainab’s greatness and her role in defending the Cause of Imam Hussein, peacebeuponthem.

The attendees also stressed the importance of holding such ceremonies by Shia communities in Denmark to deepen the values and principles of Islam and Ahlulbayet, peace be upon them.

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