
Grand Ayatollah Shirazi: True repentance contributes heavily to log of deeds on Day of Judgment

The daily scholarly meeting of Grand Ayatollah Shirazi was held on Tuesday, the 26th of Safar. In this session, like the previous meetings, the Marja answered the questions of the attendees about various jurisprudential issues.

In his discussion, Grand Ayatollah Shirazi cited the verses 102 and 103 of Surah Mominun, which read: Those whose deeds are heavy on the {judgment} scale through obedience to God are among the redeemed, and those whose deeds are light through disobedience of God, will be at loss in the presence of God and will be caught in hellfire.

Using the verses, the Marja explained that, “On the Day of Recompense, there are standards and scales to measure everyone’s deeds, and every good deed such as Prayer, zakat, and fasting, if done correctly, will make a person’s log of deeds more precious, and if those deeds are abandoned or misdone, the person’s log of deeds decreases in worth.”

His Eminence also emphasized that repentance is one of the deeds that contributes heavily towards a person’s log of deeds on the Day of Judgment, and adds great value to it. He adda that: “It’s possible that someone has not prayed or fasted for a lifetime, but if he/she truly repents before death, God Almighty has promised to forgive them. So, it is fair to say that repentance is an act worth of thousands of acts.

The Supreme Marja further commented on the sinners’ lowly status of deeds on the Day of Judgment and their eternal torment in hell, and said: In these verses, it is not explicitly mentioned that whether a person repents or not, if their status of deeds is lowly, he/she will be in hell forever. Therefore, in the lack of explicit mention, it can be inferred that such meaning has not been intended, and one should refer to the 14 Infallibles, peace be upon them, to have a clear understanding.

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