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Sayyed al-Shuhada World Committee Implements water supply project in Africa

Sayyed al-Shuhada World Committee announced the implementation of a charitable, cultural project under the title of “The water supply project of Hazrat Abalfazl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) in the African continent”.

This first-of-its-kind project in Africa, which promises great spiritual and humanitarian reward, is delivered on the occasion of the Holy Arbaeen of Hussain (peace be upon him) this year.

As a result of this project, thousands of bottles of drinking water are distributed among people in need of safe and sanitary water sources, as well as among mosques, Hosseini Majalis, the poor and the general public.

Also, the project organizers will be distributing an educational pamphlet about the character of Abalfazl al-Abbas, peace be upon him, in order to introduce this heroic figure to the world.

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