Religious sites in India
Following calls from Shia clerics, Hindu temples set rules for respecting, sanctifying religious places
Hindu institutions and temples in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have announced the implementation of previous decisions of Shia institutions in the country, which call for respecting and sanctifying places of worship and religious sites.
These institutions, according to what was published by the Indian Television Network (NEWS 18) and followed Shia Waves Agency, that “the call of a number of Shia clerics between the years (2019-2020) to respect the sanctity of religious and worship places reflected positively on the visitors and their moral commitment even in their dress.”
The Indian network added that, “Prominent Hindu temples across Uttar Pradesh have decided to impose a ban on the visitors who do not adhere to the modest dress code during their presence in such places”, pointing out that, “At least 12 temples in different areas of the state have so far implemented these rules and the number is still to increase.”
It explained that these moves come in response to the call of Islamic institutions and Shia clerics on the necessity of respecting and sanctifying holy places, through decent clothes whenever being in such places.
The network concluded that the religious rules imposed also include a ban on wedding photography, respect for people’s privacy and a ban on the publication of immoral images or manifestations influenced by Western culture.