
Misbah al-Hussein Foundation Gains Membership in UN Economic, Social Council (ECOSOC)

Misbah al-Hussein Foundation for Relief and Development affiliated to the office of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh al-Hosseini al-Shirazi announced that it has obtained membership in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

The United Nations Social and Economic Council (ECOSOC) is one of the six main pillars of the United Nations, to which the tenth chapter of the United Nations Charter is dedicated.

ECOSOC works to provide humanitarian and development assistance in many areas.

According to the report of the Shia Waves agency, Misbah al-Hussein Foundation’s membership in ECOSOC shows international appreciation for the continuous efforts of this group in the field of humanitarian issues.

On announcement of the news, Misbah Al-Hussein Foundation emphasized: We are proud of this achievement and we look forward to strengthening our cooperation with the United Nations and other international organizations to achieve humanitarian goals.

Gaining membership in ECOSOC provides greater opportunity to participate in international dialogue on development and humanitarian issues, and enables the organization to influence global policy-making related to the areas in which it operates.

It also increases the institution’s ability to gather resources and make new achievements with the participation of other effective centers in the international community.

According to a statement by the organization, this membership will help to expand the scope of the institution’s activity and increase its impact in improving the lives of people, communities and marginalized and poor groups, especially in light of the current humanitarian challenges that the world is witnessing.

Misbah al-Hussein Foundation is one of the leading organizations in the field of humanitarian and civil activities affiliated to the office of Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Sadegh al-Hosseini al-Shirazi, which provides food, medical and educational aid services to the needy and various other groups. It makes all efforts to implement civil projects with the aim of improving the living conditions of vulnerable groups.

This achievement solidifies the institution’s position on the international stage and emphasizes its commitment to continue efforts to achieve sustainable development and humanitarian aid, in line with the global goals of the United Nations.

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