Al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Morocco confirms the killing of its leader

Al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Morocco confirmed the killing of its Algerian leader, Abdelmalek Droukdel, who was declared dead by France in early June.
Al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Morocco confirmed the killing of its Algerian leader, Abdelmalek Droukdel, who was declared dead by France in early June.
This came in an audio recording uploaded on al-Andalus Foundation, the terrorist organization’s media outlet.
A leader of the organization, known as Abu Abdullah Ahmad, announced in the audio recording the killing of Droukdel, vowing to continue the fight against French forces and leaders of the countries of the region.
France announced last Friday that its forces had managed to kill Droukdel in northern Mali, near the border with Algeria.
“Abdelmalek Droukdel was leading all al-Qaeda groups in North Africa,” said French Defense Minister Florence Barley.
Several terrorist groups active in the Sahel region had announced their allegiance to Droukdel.