
South Korean convert plans to construct large mosque in Incheon city

Korean artist and convert “Daoud Kim” announced on his Instagram account his plans to build a large mosque in the city of Incheon, South Korea, after purchasing the designated land.

Kim, a South Korean citizen, embraced Islam in 2019 after extensive reading of Islamic books and the Holy Quran.

He shared recent pictures of the land he purchased for the mosque construction, stating in a post followed by Shia News Agency: “Finally, with your help, I have signed a contract to acquire land for building a mosque in Incheon,” adding, “I can’t believe that this day has actually come.”

Kim continued, saying: “I believe it’s truly a big step, there will be many challenges but I believe I can do it.”

In addition to building the mosque for prayers and religious ceremonies, Kim plans to establish a private studio to invite Koreans for special dialogues about Islam and the lives of Muslims in South Korea and around the world.

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