Wide anger at the violation of the Holy Quran’s sanctity in Turkey

A wave of anger swept social networking sites in Turkey and the Arab countries, after the circulation of a video clip of a number of school students insulting the Holy Quran.
The clip, which was said to have been filmed in a high school classroom in Serik district, east of Antalya, showed them throwing a copy of the Qur’an.
In the video, loud laughter is heard, which sparked a state of anger and resentment among many Turks and Arabs.
Turkish media indicated that after the video spread, an urgent meeting of the school administration took place, in which it was decided to send 4 students to detention.
The Regional Directorate of National Education, which appointed an inspector in the matter, launched an administrative investigation into the school.
The Turkish Penal Code criminalizes religious insults and hate speech.