
Celebrating Wilaya Week in India and broad media coverage in local newspapers

Celebrating Wilaya Week in India and broad media coverage in local newspapers

Wilaya Week celebrations were held in India, which began with the advent of Eid al-Ghadeer, and continued until the Day…
India: Three dead, 60 cops injured in clashes over social media post in Bengaluru

India: Three dead, 60 cops injured in clashes over social media post in Bengaluru

Violent protests gripped parts of the southern Indian city of Bengaluru late on Tuesday after thousands of protesters took to…
Office of Shirazi Religious Authority in India celebrates Eid al-Ghadeer
Religious Authority

Office of Shirazi Religious Authority in India celebrates Eid al-Ghadeer

A joyful celebration was held in the Office of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini…
Godhra mosque a Covid centre now – India
Islam World

Godhra mosque a Covid centre now – India

For so long, since the time of the pandemic outbreak, this mosque in Godhra, the second biggest in town had…
Followers of Shirazi Religious Authority launch campaign to support the needy families in India
Religious Authority

Followers of Shirazi Religious Authority launch campaign to support the needy families in India

A group of followers of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Husseini al-Shirazi, in India, organized…
Queries on fasting based on Shirazi Religious Authority in local Indian newspapers
Religious Authority

Queries on fasting based on Shirazi Religious Authority in local Indian newspapers

The Lucknow office of the Supreme Religious Authority, His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq Al-Husseini Al-Shirazi, announced its readiness to…
The Washington Post: Modi’s government has turned Muslims into Coronavirus scapegoats in India

The Washington Post: Modi’s government has turned Muslims into Coronavirus scapegoats in India

The Washington Post has published a report on the transformation of the Muslim government of India into a scapegoat in…
Racial discrimination in dealing with Muslim coronavirus patients in India

Racial discrimination in dealing with Muslim coronavirus patients in India

India is witnessing racist treatment against Muslims infected with coronavirus and the Muslim medical staff, as recently two children lost…
Famine threatens the lives of Arakan Muslims in India’s camps

Famine threatens the lives of Arakan Muslims in India’s camps

The curfew imposed in India due to the outbreak of coronavirus has increased the risk of starvation for Arakan Muslims,…
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