Holy Karbala

Directorate of Roads and Bridges in Holy Karbala begins paving process of Ayenul-Tamur road
Ahlulbayt Occasions

Directorate of Roads and Bridges in Holy Karbala begins paving process of Ayenul-Tamur road

The Directorate of Roads and Bridges in Holy Karbala, Iraq, has announced the beginning of the paving process of Ayenul-Tamur…
India: Shia devotees hold symbolic funeral of Holy Karbala martyrs
Ahlulbayt Occasions

India: Shia devotees hold symbolic funeral of Holy Karbala martyrs

The Indian official newspaper “Live Hindustan” reported that a symbolic funeral was held for the martyrs of Holy Karbala in…
“Middle East Monitor” releases captivating photos of Arabeen pilgrims
Ahlulbayt Occasions

“Middle East Monitor” releases captivating photos of Arabeen pilgrims

The British “Middle East Monitor” newspaper has released captivating photos of the crowds of pilgrims heading towards the holy city…
Holy Karbala Governor lays foundation stone for smart, multistory car park

Holy Karbala Governor lays foundation stone for smart, multistory car park

The Local Government in the holy city of Karbala has announced it is new project for constructing a asmart multistory…
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