
Number of undocumented migrants almost doubled in Spain in 2023

Around 57,000 migrants entered Spain irregularly last year, almost double the 2022 number as arrivals on the Canary Islands in fragile boats from west Africa surged to record levels, official data showed on Wednesday, Reuters reported.

The Spanish government last year increased its contacts with authorities in countries such as Senegal and Mauritania to try to reverse the trend.

Spain also had to create additional emergency accommodation for migrants in military barracks, hotels and hostels across the country.

The Canary Islands accounted for the bulk of the arrivals, 39,910 – up 154% from a year earlier and surpassing the archipelago’s previous record of 2006 when 31,678 people arrived.

The flow of migrants has continued at the start of 2024 as people from Senegal and other African countries try to reach Spain, seeking a better life or fleeing conflict.

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