Number of converts to Islam in European countries increases, reports find

Observers and researchers on global Islamic affairs have confirmed the increase in the number of adherents of the Islamic faith in European countries, despite the movements of the extreme right-wing parties to prevent this.
A number of observers and researchers, as well as research centers specialized in the religious aspect, said in new reports seen by Shia Waves Agency: “The number of adherents of the Islamic religion in European countries has increased remarkably among Europeans, and it has become an eye-catching phenomenon in contrast to the phenomenon of Islamophobia hostility.”
The reports stated that “this increase has become very clear during the last thirty years, despite the efforts and political moves of the extreme right in many European countries, to combat Muslims.”
Reports pointed out that “the Islamic religion is the fastest spreading religion in the world, and the number of Muslims is currently more than (one billion and 800 million people),” which was confirmed by a study by the Pew Research Center.