Participation of the Taliban government and the Myanmar Military Council not allowed in the United Nations at the present time

A report issued by the United Nations Credentials Committee confirmed that a decision on whether the Taliban government and the military junta in Myanmar could send a UN ambassador to New York for the second time was postponed, but the decision could be reconsidered in the next nine months.
The 193-member United Nations General Assembly is due to approve the report on Friday, which also delayed a decision on Libya’s rival claim to the country’s seat at the United Nations. The nine-member UN Credentials Committee includes Russia, China and the United States.
Diplomats said that delaying decisions leaves the current envoys in their countries’ seats.
Claims have been put forward again on the Myanmar and Afghanistan seats from the Taliban government and the Myanmar military junta against the envoys of the two governments they overthrew last year. The UN’s acceptance of the Taliban government or military junta in Myanmar would be a step towards the international recognition that both sides seek.
Last year, the United Nations General Assembly supported the postponement of a decision on the credentials of Myanmar and Afghanistan.
The UN Credentials Committee met on 12 December and agreed, without a vote, to “defer consideration of the credentials” of Myanmar, Afghanistan and Libya “and to return to consideration of these credentials at a later date at the seventy-seventh session ending in mid-September from next year.
The decision comes because of the violations of these parties against their people, the restriction of freedoms, and the lack of respect for international laws in preserving the rights of individuals.