Religious and popular circles call for the consideration of Muslim feelings as Morocco joyously celebrates Ashura

Despite the sadness and pain felt by millions of Muslims around the world about what happened to Imam Hussein, his family and companions, peace be upon them, on Ashura, it is the complete opposite in Morocco.
Despite the sadness and pain felt by millions of Muslims around the world about what happened to Imam Hussein, his family and companions, peace be upon them, on Ashura, it is the complete opposite in Morocco.
Unfortunately, it is a day of celebration, dancing, and giving sweets in the kingdom, at a time where mourning ceremonies and processions are organized in Islamic and non-Islamic countries to revive the tragedy of Karbala.
The Kingdom of Morocco, which is considered one of the Islamic countries, has not objected to any of this, which is a clear indication of its agreement to the celebrations on the sorrowful occasion that is commemorated by its various Muslim sects.
The heresy of (Baba Ashura) appears from Morocco under different names that combine the Umayyad and Western culture. They falsely claim that these celebrations represent the Islamic heritage while boasting that they are similar to the Christian celebrations.
Religious and popular circles called on Islamic governments, civil society organizations and the concerned authorities to urge the Kingdom of Morocco to stop these celebrations that offend Imam Hussein, peace be upon him, and to hold those responsible to account, and to respect the feelings of Muslims on this great day of mourning, stressing the need to observe international norms and laws that call for not violating religious rights or offending the rituals and beliefs of a particular sect.