Sweden refuses to allow Danish party leader to burn the Quran

Swedish police have refused to allow the leader of an extreme-right Danish party to organize a protest in front of a mosque and burn copies of the Holy Quran in Malmö, southern Sweden.
Swedish police have refused to allow the leader of an extreme-right Danish party to organize a protest in front of a mosque and burn copies of the Holy Quran in Malmö, southern Sweden.
The leader of the “Stram kurs” party, Rasmus Paludan, said that he had submitted a request to organize a protest in front of a mosque in Rosengard , Malmö, before Friday prayer, and burn copies of the Holy Quran, but the police refused.
Last week, Paludan announced on social media his intention to carry out the Islamophobic plan on August 28.
The far-right leader is known for his hostility to Islam and incitement to burn copies of the Quran in Denmark. He was previously sentenced to three months in prison for 14 different cases.
In March 2019, days after the massacre of the two mosques in New Zealand, Paludan burned copies of the Quran 100 meters from an area where Muslims prayed.