Germany: a project of attack of Islamophobia inspired by Christchurch foiled

A man was placed in custody in Germany after being announced on the internet that he was going to commit an attack against Muslims inspired by the one in Christchurch (New Zealand)
A man was placed in custody in Germany after being announced on the internet that he was going to commit an attack against Muslims inspired by the one in Christchurch (New Zealand), announced Monday the central office for the fight against terrorism.
The suspect, aged 21, was taken into custody Saturday after being arrested in Hildesheim (Lower Saxony). Weapons, which “could have been purchased to execute his plans of attack”, were discovered at his home, said the Office in a press release.
This man had announced during an online discussion on the internet that he was preparing an attack against Muslims, inspired by the one committed in march 2019 to Christchurch, during which 51 people were killed in two worship places. “He had the intention to act in the same manner,” according to the Office.
Extremist files were found on his electronic device.
The terrorism of the extreme right is considered by the German authorities as the number one threat weighing on the country’s security.