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International Nonviolence Organization calls for saving the Palestinian prisoners

The International Nonviolence Organization Free Muslim called on the international community and human rights organizations to take urgent action to save the Palestinian prisoners in

The International Nonviolence Organization Free Muslim called on the international community and human rights organizations to take urgent action to save the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention.

The organization said in a statement, received by Shiawaves, that it is following with great concern the exceptional conditions of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, demanding the authorities to take effective measures to prevent them from coronavirus infection, similar to Jewish prisoners.

The organization added that it had seen data proving that serious health risks of Palestinian detainees were heightened by a deliberate disregard of the Israeli Prison Service, which apparently did not care about the prisoners’ safety.

The organization appealed to the United Nations and human rights organizations to take urgent action to secure the release of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons as soon as possible.

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