The Independent: China causes sterility of Uighur Muslim women in concentration camps

Chinese authorities are causing sterility of Muslim Uighur women in detention camps for ethnic and religious minorities, the Independent newspaper quoted former detainees as saying.
Chinese authorities are causing sterility of Muslim Uighur women in detention camps for ethnic and religious minorities, the Independent newspaper quoted former detainees as saying.
“They injected us from time to time,” said Gulbahar Galilova, who has been in detention for more than a year at what the Chinese government calls “rehabilitation centers” in the western Xinjiang region.
“We had to stretch our arms through a small hole in the door, and soon after we were injected, we realized that we were no longer menstruating anymore,” Gallivova, 54, told France 24.
She said she spent most of her time in detention with about 50 women crammed into a cell no more than three meters by six, “as if we were just a piece of meat.”
The Independent cited a similar account by another former detainee, 30-year-old Mehrijul Tursun, in a video call with Amnesty International in Tokyo, the Nikkei-Asian Review reported.
Torson, who now lives in exile in the United States, said she was given drugs and our right during her detention in a prison in 2017.
She said she felt “tired for a week, lost her memory and felt depressed”. She was released four months later after being diagnosed as mentally ill, adding that doctors in the United States later told her she was infertile.
The global outcry over China’s treatment of minority groups has been low-key. However, reports last week suggested China was building more secret detention centers.