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A campaign combating Islam Muawiya is sweeping through social networking sites

A campaign has been launched on social media to combat the false image of Islam as it is called Islam Muawiya under hashtag #noforIslamMuawiya.


A campaign has been launched on social media to combat the false image of Islam as it is called Islam Muawiya under hashtag #noforIslamMuawiya.

The campaign, which has seen a wide spread on social networking sites, comes in conjunction with 12 Rajab on the death anniversary of Muawiya and the increase in global violence against Muslims.

The pioneers of social networking sites pointed out that the goal of the campaign is to identify the Alawi true Islamic religion and to show the Muawiyad Islam to raise suspicions of true Islam in the world.

His Eminence, Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Sadiq al-Shirazi, stressed the necessity of introducing true Islam through the publication of the biography of the great Prophet Muhammad and the commander of the faithful Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon them and their pure progeny, and their methods in the Islamic government, stressing om the importance of using all kinds of media outlets to disseminate the true Islam and the difference with the false Islam.


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